
The main purpose of this study is to develop an useful technique for the military fire training and first person shooting (FPS) game, and obtains the solution of the man-machine interface for its interactive operations. This study use a laser guide technology for guiding an aiming point of fire, and the control function includes the position and direction information. For controlling the aiming point of fire, this paper introduces a laser emitter mounted on the muzzle, and utilizes an optical camera with a light filter lens as a receiver to detect the laser light pointed on the screen. After some image process and computer software program operations, the movement of image can be transformed by a cursor command to guide the aiming point of fire which includes the position and direction control function. On the other hand, we also apply the wireless control technology that is an effective method to make an instruction to initiate the computer for executing the fundamental operations mode. To combine laser guide and wireless control multi-technology on simulation shooting gun, this innovation design demonstrates excellent results on the simulation of live fire shooting and extreme suits in various types of FPS game.

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