
The article examines the issue of the use of interactive learning technologies in secondary education institutions, their importance in the process of studying the material of biological content in biology lessons. The use of interactive methods contributes to the formation of communication skills, the ability to clearly and consistently express one's opinion, analyze, formulate conclusions, work in a team, increases interest in the educational material, which, as a result, contributes to the improvement of student success. The use of interactive exercises in biology lessons at school enables students to realize themselves, increase the level of their knowledge, creates comfortable conditions in the learning process, improves the development of critical thinking of students, contributes to better memorization of educational material, forms and develops general educational competences of students in biology.
 Examples of the use of such methods as "who will determine first", "my mood in the lesson", "teaching-learning", "openwork saw", "brainstorming", "incomplete sentence", "associative bush", "microphone", " intellectual map", "tree of knowledge", "yes - no", "questionnaire-reflection", "point of support", "cheat sheet", "doctor consults", "incomplete sentences", "recall", "catch a mistake", " my mood in class", "you - me, I - you", "circle of ideas", "word cloud" in the process of studying the material of the biological direction in biology lessons.
 Biology lessons were held for the 6th and 8th grades of the secondary school. Exercises and interactive learning methods were used in the experimental classes, but not in the control classes. In both classes, at the end of each lesson, an express test was conducted on the parallels, which made it possible to trace whether the interactive exercises were effective, and in which class the students' success rate was higher. The average score of students before the use of interactive learning technologies was calculated. On the basis of the received data, an analysis of the level of assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills of students was carried out.
 As a result of the pedagogical experiment, the interest and high activity of students in the application of interactive teaching methods was revealed. From the analysis of the level of assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills, with the help of calculating the average score and the indicator of qualitative success, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the correct selection of exercises and methods. When comparing the performance indicators in the experimental classes, in which interactive exercises were used, and in the control classes, where traditional training was conducted, it was established that in the former, the average score and the qualitative performance indicator of students increased relative to the initial values.

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