
This study aims to determine: 1) Improvement of student learning motivation, 2) Improvement of student learning achievement by using Guided Inquires model assisted by PowerPoint media on the subject matter of Vibration, Waves and Sound class VII A SMP PGRI 6 MALANG 2019/2020 academic year consisting of 24 students. The object of data collection is student achievement and student motivation. Data sources are students and teachers in schools. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, documentation, and tests. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive analysis while this class action research (PTK) procedure used II cycles, and at the end of each cycle a test was performed to determine student achievement. Based on the results of the study found that the results of student motivation in the first cycle obtained mastery learning by 70.24% with enough categories and in the second cycle 80.51% with good categories. Improved learning achievement in the first cycle obtained by mastery learning by 62.5% and students who completed there were 15 participants, students who did not complete 9 participants, with a pretty good category. In cycle II the increase was 87.5% and 21 students were complete while those unfinished were 3 participants in either category. The application of the Guided Inquiri learning model assisted by PowerPoint media can improve the motivation and achievement of physics learning for Grade VII A students of SMP PGRI 6 MALANG.

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