
Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) is the only institute of technology in Kalimantan with an area of ±300 Ha. Most of the area of ITK is not built yet. The increasing of interests of people to study in ITK causing the institute to build more lecture facilities to fulfil the people’s interests. Along with its development, it needs an independent clean water resource. The main source of clean water is groundwater. The potential of groundwater in its unbuilt area can be known by using geoelectrical method measurement. Geoelectrical method could give an early representation of the earth’s subsurface condition based on the resistivity parameter. This research produced a 1D cross section of the earth’s subsurface resistivity. Based on the result, it is known that the land cover is a red-yellow podzolic and clayey sand with the resistivity value of 300 – 570 Ωm and 2 – 4 meters of thickness. The second layer is a layer of water-saturated clay associated with low resistivity values of 15 – 44 Ωm with 20 meters of thickness. The third layer is a clayey sand layer which is estimated as aquifer layer in the depth of 9 – 24 meters. There is also an anomaly of coal inserts at VES_1 measurement point in the depth of 17 meters with a resistivity value of 962 Ωm.

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