
This article examines the application of ecoprophylaxis principles in schools in Melbourne, Australia. Ecoprophylaxis is seen as an advanced approach that integrates environmental education, health and sustainable development. The article presents the results of applying this approach in school education, focusing on the impact on students' health, environmental awareness and socio-cultural changes in the community. Findings are presented on how Melbourne schools have become centers of ecological transformation, demonstrating the successful combination of traditional education with innovative environmental and health approaches. The article emphasizes the importance of education in the formation of values and suggests Melbourne's experience as a model for other educational institutions. The outcomes of eco-prophylaxis-based education include:1.Enhanced learner health: Green school spaces and regular physical activity improve learners' physical well-being, fostering psychological comfort that nurtures confidence and social skills. 2. Environmental consciousness and sustainability: Integrating environmental education cultivates a profound understanding of ecological issues and promotes sustainable lifestyles. Involvement in environmental projects instills a sense of responsibility for the planet's future. 3. Sociocultural transformation: Melbourne schools serve as hubs for spreading environmental knowledge, shaping a more conscious and environmentally responsible society through ecoprophylaxis initiatives.

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