
Thearticleisdedicatedtotheproblemofintegration of project, strategic and cognitive management in the system of interactions of the management subject and the heterotropicenvironment. The place of convergence in strategic developmentprojects management is considered through the prism of cognitive approach.Main multidisciplinary approaches are defined in the field of open nonlinear systems of “subject-environment” interactions management. Issues of the place of intentions, goal setting and their interconnections were considered in the context of the project approach. Relevance of convergency of strategic, cognitive and project approach from the perspective of strategic projects management was justified. Connections of cognitive knowledge obtaining processes and project integration management during the realization of the lifecycle were identified. Relevant approaches to convergency issues were analyzed and theoretical justifications of influence of correspondence of competencies of the project team on the system’s strategic development was developed. Key elements of the system of interactions of the management subject from the position of cognitive, strategic and project management were described. Base interconnections of modern epistemologicaldirections of the modern management field were formalized. Multidisciplinary connections were considered that highlight the change of paradigm of complex nonlinear systems management, its adaptation to the conditions of the sixth technological mode –NBIC-convergence. Issue of concept of system’s strategic development as a complex of formalization processes and realization of management approaches for successful realization of projects was considered. Aparticular attention the authors pay to research of knowledge management in the integrated system of project team management. A concept of development of intellectual capital through the system of experience accumulation new ideas, initiative, innovations generation of intentions, goal setting and result during acquiring new valuables by the subject of project management.

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