
The use of capillary electrophrosis (CE) for the separation of small organic molecules such as pharmaceutical agents and drug/xenobiotic metabolites has become increasingly popular. This has arisen, at least in part, from the complimentary mode of separation afforded by CE when compared to the more mature technique of HPLC. Other qualities of CE include relative ease of method of development, rapid analysis, and low solvent consumption. The recent introduction of a variety of detector systems (including UV diode array, laser-induced fluorescence, conductivity) and the demonstrated coupling of CE to MS have also aided acceptance of this technology. In the present report, we review the role of CE coupled to various detector systems including a mass spectrometer for the characterization of both in vitro and in vivo derived drug metabolite mixtures. Attributes of CE for this application are demonstrated by discussion of metabolism studies of the neuroleptic agent haloperidol. Various aspects of the development and use of CE and CE-MS for the characterization of haloperidol metabolites, including criteria for selection of parameters such as pH, ionic strength, extent of organic modification, and the use of nonaqueous capillary zone electrophoresis are discussed. We also consider potential limitations of CE and CE-MS for drug metabolism research and describe the introduction of membrane preconcentration-CE (mPC-CE) and mPC-CE-MS as a solution that overcomes the rather poor concentration limits of detection of CE methods without compromising the resolution of analytes or separation efficiency of this technique.

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