
Moisture content is one of the factors that determine the selling value of grains. A good water content by standard is around 14%. Determination of water content is generally done using an oven, for farmers this method is quite complicated because farmers have to bring samples to the laboratory, besides that it also requires a lot of money and a long time. This study aims to develop a real-time measurement of grain moisture content using an IoT-based capacitive sensor, which is able to measure the water content of crop yields in the form of grains and is monitored directly using Android in realtime. This research begins by designing a schematic of the circuit system, designing the structure of the tool, making the tool, carrying out the tool calibration process, testing the tool to measure the moisture content in different grain samples including grain, corn, green beans, and beans. soybeans with five variations of water content at 9%-27% intervals, validated the water content measuring instrument test with several observations including grain moisture content, tool response time, and tool error as well as comparing the results of measuring grain moisture content using this instrument. standard measure with the designed measuring instrument. Based on the results of the research, the research instrument designed can measure the water content of the four test samples properly, from the calibration results of the research water content measuring instrument, the overall R2 value is 0,9902; which means that the measurement results of the research instrument are close to the actual value. The results of the analysis of observations of water content obtained an average difference in reading values ranging from 0,19%-0,41% with an average percentage error obtained ranging from 1,18%-2,12% and an average response time reading of 26,33 sec.

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