
The article presents laboratory diagnostics (in vitro), namely, identification of pure culture of pathogenic bacteria of Klebsiella Pneumoniae species in case of enterobacteriosis in bees in winter-spring and summer-autumn times. The purpose of the study was the biochemical typification of bacteria of the species Klebsiella Pneumoniae with humane medicine methods, that isolated in the case of dysbacteriosis of bees which have a characteristic symptomatic complex of a decrease in the strength of bee families, which leads to a decrease in the resistance of the bee family, their diarrhea, crawling, and then swarming or death of bees. Contamination of beehive frames and walls of beehive by fecation leads to sharp deterioration of the apiary's veterinary and sanitary condition and significant economic damage for beekeepers. Pure culture of pathogenic bacteria served as an object for experiment. The Family of the bacteria was established earlier – Enterobacteriaceae, and was confirmed by “Zhytomyr Regional State Laboratory of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection”. Laboratory diagnostics of dysbiosis in bees caused by enterobacteria was performed in such a sequence: 1. Sowing of pathological material taken from sick bees on selective nutrient media for enterobacteria and extraction of pure culture; 2. Microscopy of typical colonies; 3. Determination of bacteria genus; 4. Determination of bacteria motor activity: 5. Urease test; 6. Indole test; 7. Phenyalaalanine test; 8. Study of basic enzymatic properties of bacteria. In a series of laboratory biochemical studies of pure culture microorganisms isolated from mixed culture from diseased bees the isolated bacterial strain belongs to the Family Enterobacteriaceae, Genus Klebsiella, Species Klebsiella pneumoniae. The novelty of the application of the algorithm for determining the species of Klebsiella pneumoniae enterobacteriae allows to diagnose dysbacterioses in winter-spring and summer-autumn times clearly and economically. The isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria serve as experimental cultures for testing drugs of various directions and actions in laboratory conditions and are kept at the Department of Microbiology, Pharmacology and Epizootology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Polissya National University (formerly Zhytomyr National Agroecological University). Further application of complex diagnostics of enterobacteriosis of bees, including methods of biochemical typification, will allow to expand etiological factors of bee family collapse.


  • The article presents laboratory diagnostics, namely, identification of pure culture of pathogenic bacteria of Klebsiella Pneumoniae species in case of enterobacteriosis in bees in winter-spring and summer-autumn times

  • The purpose of the study was the biochemical typification of bacteria of the species Klebsiella Pneumoniae with humane medicine methods, that isolated in the case of dysbacteriosis of bees which have a characteristic symptomatic complex of a decrease in the strength of bee families, which leads to a decrease in the resistance of the bee family, their diarrhea, crawling, and swarming or death of bees

  • Pure culture of pathogenic bacteria served as an object for experiment

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The article presents laboratory diagnostics (in vitro), namely, identification of pure culture of pathogenic bacteria of Klebsiella Pneumoniae species in case of enterobacteriosis in bees in winter-spring and summer-autumn times. The isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria serve as experimental cultures for testing drugs of various directions and actions in laboratory conditions and are kept at the Department of Microbiology, Pharmacology and Epizootology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Polissya National University (formerly Zhytomyr National Agroecological University). В статті висвітлена лабораторна діагностика (in vitro), а саме ідентифікація чистої культури патогенних бактерій бджіл виду Klebsiella Рneumoniae, при виникненні ентеробактеріозів бджіл у зимово-весняний та літньо-осінній періоди. У нашому дослідженні розглянуті сучасні актуальні питання щодо виділення та ідентифікації патогенних ентеробактерій (Klebsiella Рneumoniae) у медоносних бджіл при виникненні масових ентеробактеріозів у зимово-весняний та літній період, а також злітання бджолиних колоній в осінню пору року (Evans et al, 2011; Galatiuk et al, 2019). Мета роботи – провести лабораторну ідентифікацію бактерій виду Klebsiella Рneumoniae, виділених при ентеробактеріозах бджіл методами біохімічного типування, які застосовуються у гуманній медицині

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