
The article is devoted to theoretical approaches in the domain of sociology of professions and in particular the application of the concepts of actor-network theory in the study of the phenomenon of professions. Social transformations of the late XX — early XXI centuries, and, in particular, changes in the professional structure of society lead to criticism of the profession as a category of analysis and the existing analytical apparatus of "social sociology" in the study of professions and occupations. The article lists and considers the main paradigms and approaches to the study of the phenomenon of professions in the sociological perspective, the main angles and emphases within these approaches. The text presents the basic terms and ideas of the actor-network approach as one of the sociological perspectives, presents the basic terms and concepts of this area of sociological theorizing. An attempt was made to apply the concepts of actor-network approach to the profession as a socio-technical actor network and the formation of the profession (professionalization) as a process of translation and creation of the actor network, "monopolization of expertise" by the profession as an extended network. The article presents examples of consideration of the activities of professionals and their interactions in socio-technical systems in the research of the actor-network approach and considers the possibility of applying the principles of actor-network theory in the context of research professions and professional structure of society. An attempt is made to generalize the characteristics and activities of professionals carried out in the framework of research in the actor-network approach and find potential starting points for the study of professions in line with actor-network theory. Socio-technological nature of professions, the existence of the profession as a network of interactions and at the same time a professional as an actor in other networks, the length of networks of expert knowledge as the dominant way to explain phenomena, can be considered as general principles of professional activity.

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