
A data by UN FAO proclaims that the availability of land area for the crop cultivation will be 4% in 2050 with additional population of 2 billion to the existing global population. This context creates a strong pressure over agricultural production, where there will be more demand for food. The food production obtained from these traditional methods of cultivation which have been followed by farmers right now were not sufficient or may fail to feed this growing global population. Adaptation of new and latest technological solutions for the improvement of farming might be the only possible way to meet out the food requirement in future. While artificial intelligence (AI) proved to support all sectors of agriculture to boost the productivity and also helps to control uninvited natural condition. AI-supported solution makes the farmers to produce more with less in addition quality improvement in products. AI technology helps to achieve competitive advantage in market. In recent years AI powered systems aids the farmers in all process of fruit production such as in irrigation scheduling through smart irrigation systems, detection and diagnosis of pest and diseases, weed management, precise predictions, etc. Current review discussed the insights in artificial intelligence and its various applications in fruit production.

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