
Abstract The sensitivity of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)-based ensemble four-dimensional variational assimilation (4DVar) method (referred to as POD-4DEnVar) to cumulus and microphysics schemes was investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for heavy rainfall in South China. Results show that the choice of the cumulus and microphysics schemes for ensemble samples significantly impacts precipitation prediction and that Doppler radar data assimilation using POD-4DEnVar is sensitive to the parameterization schemes used for the ensemble samples. The cumulus and microphysics schemes primarily affect the vertical velocity and rainwater mixing ratio of the ensemble forecasts. Variations in the ensemble samples caused by different parameterization schemes are introduced into the four-dimensional ensemble variational assimilation by the radar data observation operator. These variations affect the analysis fields and result in variations in precipitation prediction. To obtain the optimal result (smallest forecast error), three methods are designed based on the physical ensemble technique, which can filter out the effects of different parameterization schemes for the ensemble samples through averaging. The results show that the precipitation forecasts from the three assimilation experiments are improved compared with a control experiment, but each physical ensemble method leads to a unique precipitation forecast.

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