
This study describes a hybrid method of the removal of nitrates from brine, combining biological denitrification with a membrane process. A bioreactor containing the halophilic bacteria H. denitrificans was used to denitrify brine. Brine was enriched with magnesium and potassium ions, microelements, and methanol as a source of carbon. The aim of the study is to determine the efficiency of nitrate removal from brines for various initial inoculum concentration and for different dilution ratios ( D). Fluorescence microscopy was used to detect changes in the counts of live and dead cells within the bioreactor and measure a progressive decrease in filtration efficiency caused by membrane fouling. The highest specific nitrate reduction rate was recorded for the dilution ratio D = 0.6, amounting to 1.30 g NO 3 − – N·g d.s.·day −1.

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