
A bioenergetics model is implemented for European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and applied to the north-eastern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea). The model reproduces the growth of anchovy in a one-way linked configuration with a lower trophic level (LTL) ecosystem model. The LTL model provides densities for three zooplankton functional groups (heterotrophic flagellates, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton) which serve as available energy via consumption for the anchovy model. Our model follows the basic structure of NEMURO.FISH type models (North Pacific Ecosystem Model for Understanding Regional Oceanography for Including Saury and Herring). Several model parameters were specific for the Mediterranean or the Black Sea anchovy and some others were adopted from related species and NEMURO.FISH due to lack of biological information on E. encrasicolus. Simulation results showed that the fastest growth rate occurs during spring and the slowest growth rate from August to December. Zooplankton abundance during autumn was low implying that decreased prey density lead to a reduction in anchovy weight, especially for the age-3 class. Feeding parameters were adjusted to adequately fit the model growth estimates to available weight-at-age data. A detailed sensitivity analyses is conducted to evaluate the importance of the biological processes (consumption, respiration, egestion, specific dynamic action, excretion and egg production) and their parameters to fish growth. The most sensitive parameters were the intercept and exponent slope of the weight-dependent consumption and respiration process equations. Fish weight was fairly sensitive to temperature-dependent parameters.

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