
Much attention has been drawn to the demand for improvement of Quality in Healthcare organisations and to achieve improved outcomes for patients as well as to bring increased patient satisfaction and staff satisfaction. Some important areas to be addressed in this regard are improvement of work environment, reduction of waste and correction of delays in the various care processes and procedures. 5S is a simple, easy to understand management approach that was originally applied in the manufacturing sector for workplace organisation. It is now being practiced in the service sector. It is a stand alone approach that originated in Japan and increasingly used as the first step towards quality improvement in the service sector. If practiced in a hospital it helps to maintain a high degree of cleanliness and orderliness in the work place, and reduces waste in the processes of care, and improves patient flow. It is known for its ability to establish the essential prerequisites of working environment, practices and mind-set, which are the necessary foundations for an effective quality improvement program. This paper presents a brief overview of 5S approach and describes its methodology for implementation in Healthcare organisations.


  • Much attention has been drawn to the demand for improvement of Quality in Healthcare organisations and to achieve improved outcomes for patients as well as to bring increased patient satisfaction and staff satisfaction

  • This paper presents a brief overview of 5S approach and describes its methodology for implementation in Healthcare organisations

  • 2. Womach JP, Going Lean in Healthcare (Institute of Health Improvement USA, 2005)

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Sürekli Gelişim

Her takım 6-10 işçiden oluşur ve takım lideri tarafından yönetilir. İş Gelişim Takımının her üyesi “5S” yaklaşımını uygulayabilmek için gerekli bilgiye sahip olacaktır. Eğitimi takip eden her İş Gelişim Takımı planlama ve uygulama safhasına geçecektir. İş Gelişim Takımı tarafından ilk “S” in uygulama için kullanıldığı yerde adım adım yaklaşım olarak hayata geçirilir. Tüm gerekli nesneler tespit edilecek, düzgün bir şekilde kendi yerlerine yerleştirilecek, istenmeyen, ihtiyaç duyulmayan malzemeler ortadan kaldırılacak, bu sayede mekandan yararlanma en üst seviyeye ulaşacak, hizmet sunmak için gerekli malzemeyi ararken harcanan zamanın en alt seviyeye indiği görülecektir. İş Gelişim Takımları faaliyetlerini gözden geçirmek için düzenli olarak toplantılar yaparak aylık rapor hazırlarlar ve bu raporları Kalite Yönetim Ünitesine sunarlar

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