
The development and advancement of information technology has a lot of benefits for the institutions that implement it included in the field of government bureaucracy. The application of e-government to the government bureaucracy certainly can make the performance of government better. The application of information technology in the field of government such as in matters of making Identity Card, Bahasa: Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP), is certainly able to provide a change in the bureaucratic system of making Identity Card. As in the Pringsewu District that is originally used a manual system in making Identity Card that is certainly very inefficient and requires a long time so that many residents are reluctant to take care of making Identity Card. Surely this is very unfortunate remembering the importance of Identity Card. Because of this reason, the author tries to examine the design of an application for making an Electronic Identity Card with the aim to ease the public or to take care of making Citizenship Cards online, in addition to that, this application will also help the performance of the Population and Civil Registry Office so that the service provided to the public is more optimal. It is expected that people will no longer to be reluctant to take care of making a Electronic Identity Card with the application.

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