
The extensive application of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) devices in industrial environments makes FPGA testing a significant area of exploration. The application-dependent testing approach ensures better manufacturing yield compared to the manufacturing testing process since it can bypass the faulty parts without disturbing a given user-defined design. The interconnection resources occupy a large area in the FPGA die, and it is highly error-prone due to the presence of a huge number of transistors. Interconnection resources testing play a major role in the reconfigurable hardware testing area. This paper presents an application-dependent testing technique to generate test configurations for interconnects in static RAM (SRAM)-based FPGAs. To generate a test pattern for interconnects, logic block configurations have been modified. This paper addresses stuck-at faults, different types of dominant bridging faults, and feedback bridging faults. Appropriate constraints have been designed using Boolean satisfiability to test the above faults in the interconnects. Simulations performed on ISCAS’89, MCNC, and ITC’99 benchmark circuits mapped on different FPGA architectures show that the proposed approach can obtain a minimum number of test configurations with 100% fault coverage for the above-mentioned faults and is technology independent which enables it to address new emerging architectures in FPGAs.

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