
Differenttechnologiessuchasphysical,chemical,biological,advancedoxidationsand electro-chemical methods areinvolvedinthetreatmentofindustrialeffluent. The widely followed biological treatment techniques are required more time, wide operational space and are not effective for wastewater contains heavy metal and hazardous elements. The advanced oxidation process needs tremendous operational cost and is usually procure high immaculate water. The chemical coagulation process is time delaying and brings about a huge volume of sludge. In the electrostatic coagulation process, the electrode plates are dissolved in the wastewater by a direct current source of metal electrodes immersed in the effluent. Electrocoagulation (EC) has a newly followed method used for treating industrial effluent due to its adaptability and cost-effective eco-friendly method. EC has been used for treating a wide range of industrial effluent. These metal ions combine with hydroxide ions to form metal hydroxide which acts as the coagulant for the destabilization of suspended as well as dissolved pollutants in the industrial wastewater. Therefore, the intention of this review paper is the possibility of EC for the treatment of industrial effluents as well as energy consumption in the EC.

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