
Abstract The experimental, standard and tank-mix insecticide treatments were applied in comparative tests to 20 plus year old Rome trees on Jun 5 and 6, 27 and 28, Jul 18 and 19, Aug 7 and 8, and 28 and 29. The trees were sprayed to run-off with a Bean 35-gal/min hydraulic sprayer operating at 540 psi. The treatments were applied to single trees, replicated 5 times in a randomized complete block design. Other sprays used were oil and Difolatan, phosphamidon, sulfur, Cyprex, Sevin, Karathane and captan. Captan was the major fungicide used throughout the season. These materials were applied at the rate of 100 gal/A (3X cone.) with a Hardie 525 airblast sprayer. In addition to mi te evaluations on Jul 12 and Aug 14, fruit was evaluated at harvest time (late Sep) for insect damage and to measure treatment effects on fruit finish. Damage by the variegated leafroller and the tufted apple budmoth is similar and therefore is combined in the table. For purposes of analysis a division was made as indicated in the tables between new experimental materials and standard materials or tank-mixes of standard materials.

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