
Abstract Treatments were applied to a complete randomized block. Each treatment consisted of single trees replicated 4 times. Sprays were applied in 158 gal of finished spray per acre by a Bean orchard sprayer. Sprays were applied 11 May at petal fall (PF), 25 May, 6 Jun, 19 Jun, 1 Jul, 14 Jul, 27 Jul, 8 Aug, 20 Aug and 5 Sep 85. Evaluations were made by examining 100 apples per replication for injury and categorizing injuries by their respective pest. A single mite count was made in midseason by collecting 50 leaves from each replication and brushing them in a mite brushing machine. Resulting plates were examined using a stereo binocular microscope recording numbers of ERM and predaceous mites on each plate.

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