
Abstract Plots consisted of unreplicated 0.5 acre blocks containing the cultivars York Imperial and Golden Delicious. Pest and predator samples were taken from 6 tagged trees per block. Experimental sprays were applied with a Myers Mity Mist airblast sprayer calibrated to deliver 50 gpa. Applications were made on alternate row middles every 7 to 11 days. Spray dates were: 5, 13, 22, 29 Jun; 10, 20, 31 Jul; 10, 20, 29 Aug. Captan was added to experimental sprays to control diseases. Average temperatures were: Jun 70.3° F, Jul 71.3° F, Aug 72.6° F, and Sep 60.9° F. Rainfall in inches totaled: Jun 4.42, Jul 5.86, Aug 7.33, and Sep 1.11. Effectiveness on AA was evaluated by counting aphid-infested leaves on 20 terminals around the periphery of the tree. Effectiveness of test chemicals on ERM, TSSM and AF was evaluated by counting mites several times during the season on samples of 25 leaves/tree, 150 leaves/treatment. Effect of sprays on S. punctum was evaluated by 3-min counts of adults and larvae around the periphery of test trees. Effectiveness of chemicals on tufted apple budmoth was assessed by scoring for injury one pick sample at harvest (both cultivars). Apple samples averaged 1200 apples per treatment. Pest pressure was moderate throughout the season. Alsystin provided better control of TABM than standard materials, but poorer control of AA. There was no apparent effect oh phytophagous or predatory mite species, however, populations of the coccinellid predator S. punctum were suppressed by Alsystin used in a seasonal schedule.

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