
Abstract The test was carried out in a 17-yr-old block of'Red Delicious' and 'Stayman' apples. Treatments were applied with an FMC PT50 airblast sprayer operated at 300 psi and 1.5 mph to deliver 225 gal/acre. Treatment dates were 22 Apr, pink (P); 12 May, petal fall (PF); 29 May, first cover (IC); 18 Jun, second cover (2C); 8 Jul, third cover (3C); and 14 Aug, fourth cover (4C). The single-tree plots, replicated 4 times (3 'Stayman,' 1 'Red Delicious'), were arranged in a randomized complete block design. For disease control the entire orchard was sprayed with Polyram as needed. Data were transformed to × + 1 or arcsine × prior to analysis of variance and separation of means by Duncan's new multiple range test. In the tables, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at a = 0.05, DMRT. Sampling methods were as follows: ERM, motile stages per leaf as determined from a pooled sample of 15 leaves per tree; S. punctum, average S. punctum/3-min count/tree; AA, average AA/10 most infested terminals/tree; RAA, average RAA colonies per tree; WALH, average WALH-damaged leaves/100 leaves/tree; and STLM, average STLM mines/3-min count/ tree. All other pest damage is expressed as the number of damaged fruit/100 fruit/tree.

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