
Abstract A 10 year-old apple orchard, variety ‘Red Delicious’ was used in this test. Single tree plots, replicated 4 times/variety in a randomized complete block design, were sprayed to runoff (ca 3 gal/tree) with a hydraulic sprayer equipped with a handgun operated at 200 psi. Treatments were applied when ERM populations reached 6 mites/leaf (23 Jun). For disease control the entire orchard was treated with Captan as needed. Weekly ERM counts were made by randomly selecting 20 leaves/tree, brushing mites onto glass plates coated with Triton B-1956, and counting motile ERM and AF. Mite-days (MD) were calculated as: MD = MD1 + [(Ml + M2)/2 × 7], where MD1 = mite-days already accumulated, Ml = avg ERM/leaf on a given sample date and M2 = avg ERM/leaf on the next sample date. Predatory coccinellids were sampled by 3 minute visual counts of larvae and adults on 29 Jun, 13, 20, and 27 Jul, and 3 and 10 Aug. At harvest, 100 fruit/tree were collected and weighed, evaluated for spray injury, and rated (0%-100%) for russeting. Data were transformed to sqrt(x + 1) or arcsine(x) before ANOVA and comparison of means.

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