
Book Title: The story of Jesus and the blind man: A speech act reading of John 9 Book Author: Hisayasu Ito Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto City, Japan. Acta Theologica , Supplementum 21 2015.


  • “If you must cause offense, at least do so in a way which doesn’t overtly conflict with the PP.” Allow the hearer to grasp your offensive point by implicature

  • “a) Minimize cost to other. b) Maximize benefit to other.” “a) Minimize benefit to self. b) Maximize cost to self.”

  • “The ironic force of a remark is often signaled by exaggeration or understatement”

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Tact Generosity

Definitions and/or explanations Be economical. a) “Make your contribution as informative as is required.” b) “Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.” Be sincere. B) Maximize benefit to other.” “a) Minimize benefit to self. Definitions and/or explanations “a) Minimize dispraise of other. Agreement “a) Minimize disagreement between self and other. “[I]rony is an apparently friendly way of being offensive (mock-politeness)”. The implicature of the IP: What s says is polite to h and is clearly not true. What s really means is impolite to h and true. Banter “is an offensive way of being friendly (mock-impoliteness)”. The implicature of the BP (the opposite of that of IP): “What s says is impolite to h and is clearly untrue. Interest Principle “Say what is unpredictable, and interesting ... [C]onversation which is interesting, in the sense of having unpredictability or news value, is preferred to conversation which is boring and predictable” (cf Tellability) Interest Principle “Say what is unpredictable, and interesting ... [C]onversation which is interesting, in the sense of having unpredictability or news value, is preferred to conversation which is boring and predictable” (cf. Tellability)

Pollyanna Principle
Clarity Principle
Expressivity Principle
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