
An anodal direct current of 3.0 microA or 30.0 microA was unilaterally applied for 30 min or 3 h to the surface of the sensorimotor cortex of rats, and the effects of polarization on the morphology of brain cells were examined by light microscopy. After five repeated anodal polarization trials, dark neurons appeared mainly in the polarized neocortex regardless of the intensity and duration of the polarizing currents. Such dark neurons were scarce in the control animals or the animals receiving only one trial of polarization. The dark neurons were most abundant in the second to fourth layers of the ipsilateral superior-lateral convexity of the frontal cortex, but a few were present in the contralateral cortex. The dark neurons began to appear 24 h after the last polarization; thereafter almost all of these neurons gradually reverted to their normal morphological profiles through a transitory state within 1 month of the last trial of repeated polarization. No morphological changes were apparent in any of the brain structures other than the cerebral cortex. These findings indicate that repeated anodal polarization has reversible morphological effects on the cortical neurons, suggesting that the appearance of dark neurons after anodal polarization is an important index for evaluation of cortical plastic change induced by polarization.

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