
The research was carried out in the Tigapanah Village Farmers' field, Tigapanah Subdistrict, Karo Regency, from March to June 2016, where altitude was ± 1200 meters above sea level, Adosol land. The aim of the study was to determine the chicken manure dosage and the concentration of coconut water and its interaction with the growth and yield of Ercis plants (Pisumsativum L). Factorial Randomized Group Design (RBD) 4 levels, factor I: dose acquisition 1) without manure (control) 2) chicken manure 2) 200 g / plant, 3) 300 g / plant, 4) 400 g / plant (A0 , A1, A2, and A3). Factor II. Concentration of coconut water 4 level 1) 0 ml / plant, 2) 100 ml / plant, 3) 200 ml / plant, 4) 300 ml / plant (K0, K1, K2, K3). The results of the study showed that the effect of using chicken manure was significantly different (p ˃ 0.05) on the growth of plant height, number of branches, pods and weights of Ercis plants except that the age began to flower. Giving a dose of coconut water also gave a significantly different effect (p ˃ 0.05) on the growth of plant height, number of branches, production of pods and production weights except age began to flower. The interaction of doses of chicken manure and doses of coconut water did not have a significant effect on all observed parameters.


  • Ercis atau kacang kapri (Pisum sativum L) tanaman Famili Fabaceae, sayuran berupa buah dan biji yang berwarna hijau

  • The results of the study showed that the effect of using chicken manure was significantly different (p 0.05) on the growth of plant height, number of branches, pods and weights of Ercis plants except that the age began to flower

  • The interaction of doses of chicken manure and doses of coconut water did not have a significant effect on all observed parameters

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Metode Analisa Data

Pengaruh dosis kandang ayam pengamatan I (14 hst) belum menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata (p < 0.05) sampai umur tanaman 35 hst. Pengaruh perlakuan dosis pupuk kandang ayam beda nyata (p > 0.05) pengamatan ke 42 sampai pengamatan 63 hari. Tanpa pupuk kandang ayam (Ao) terrendah ratarata 172.7 cm beda nyata terhadap A1, A2 dan A3. Dosis anjuran 300 gram/tanaman (A2), hasil analisa ada korelasi dosis pupuk kandang ayam terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman persamaan liniernya dengan Y = 0.005 A + 173.1 dan dengan r2 = 0.98, gambar 2. Tanpa air kelapa (Ko) terrendah rata-rata 172.6 cm beda nyata terhadap K1, K2 dan K3. Rata-rata tinggi Tanaman (cm) dari Pengaruh pemberian dosis pupuk kandang ayam dan penggunaan dosis air kelapa pada tanaman Arcis. Pengaruh penggunaan dosis pupuk kandang ayam terhadap tinggi tanaman ercis

Hasil analisa statistik jumlah cabang
Perlakuan Ao
Jumlah polong
Pengaruh interaksi tidak nyata terhadap
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