
Kaedah-kaedah Fiqh or also known as Islamic Legal Maxims are the general principles of fiqh applied in most issues in order to get Shariah’s view. It is one of the significant components and elements during ijtihād in issuing fatwā. The principle of Lā Yunkar Taghayyur Al-Aḥkām Bi Taghayyur Al-Azmān is an approach that considers time changes in building up the Shariah’s view. This principle is also closely related to uruf and custom which are parts of Islamic jurisprudence. When a Shariah view is built, hence it will vary according to the time period, place, and circumstances. Recently, there has been a very significant decrease in the cases of COVID-19 virus infection in the community, which shows a subsequent decrease in the number of deaths across the country. This situation also impacts the current regulations that have become more lenient, including the management and burial procedures of deceased Muslims that are infected with COVID-19. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the elementary changes that have been amended in the Guideline of Management of Muslim Bodies Infected with COVID-19 for the years 2020 and 2022 in view of transmission method changes in this country. This study is qualitative in nature using a document analysis methodology that includes classical and contemporary Islamic legal maxim books on jurisprudence, research articles, and guidelines. Semi-structured interviews and comparative analysis were conducted according to the guidelines to identify the amended procedures. The outcome of the study discovers that several procedures in the guidelines of management of the infected bodies with COVID-19 have been amended in line with the current situation. These changes are seen close to the normal management of a dead body, but some other procedures still have to be followed accordingly. Abstrak Kaedah-kaedah fiqh ialah prinsip fiqh umum yang dipraktiskan dalam kebanyakan permasalahan untuk mengetahui hukum mengenainya. Ia merupakan salah satu komponen penting dan asas sandaran ketika ijtihād dalam mengeluarkan fatwā. Kaedah Lā Yunkar Taghayyur Al-Aḥkām Bi Taghayyur Al-Azmān pula salah satu daripada kaedah fiqh yang merupakan pendekatan yang mengambilkira perubahan masa bagi pembinaan sesuatu hukum. Ia merupakan kaedah yang berkait rapat dengan uruf dan adat yang menjadi salah daripada sumber hukum dalam Islam. Apabila sesuatu hukum dibina melaluinya maka ia akan berubah mengikut peredaran masa, tempat dan keadaan. Mutakhir ini, berlaku penurunan yang sangat ketara kes jangkitan virus COVID-19 dalam kalangan masyarakat sekaligus mencatatkan penurunan kes kematian di seluruh negara. Situasi ini turut memberi kesan kepada peraturan semasa yang diberi kelonggaran begitu juga dalam kaedah pengurusan jenazah yang dijangkiti COVID-19. Oleh itu, kajian ini dikemukakan bagi menganalisis elemen-elemen perubahan dalam Garis Panduan Tatacara Pengurusan Jenazah Orang Islam Yang Dijangkiti COVID-19 tahun 2020 dan 2022 ekoran perubahan keadaan penularan virus tersebut di negara ini. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif menggunakan metodologi analisis dokumen yang merangkumi kitab-kitab klasik dan kontemporari kaedah fiqh, artikel penyelidikan dan garis panduan tersebut. Temubual separa berstruktur dan penelitian komparatif terhadap garis panduan tersebut telah dilakukan bagi mengenalpasti prosedur yang dipinda. Hasil kajian mendapati beberapa prosedur dalam garis panduan pengurusan jenazah COVID-19 telah dipinda selaras dengan perubahan semasa. Perubahan kaedah pengurusan jenazah ini dilihat lebih hampir menyamai kaedah pengurusan jenazah biasa namun masih lagi terdapat beberapa prosedur lain yang perlu dipatuhi.

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