
The sec ond or der dif fer en tial equa tion so lu tion, which math e mat i cally rep re sents the dy namic of altern cur rent gen er at ing ma chines, re quires an al go rithm for its so lu tion. The com puter ma chine lan guage trans la tion of step-by-step method for the so lu tion of swing ing equa tion which rep re sents the dy namic gen er a tor, al lows the anal y sis of elec tri cal net works when are sub ject to sud den changes that mo tive os cil la tion of fre quency and there fore ten sion. The al go rithm is based on the fact of the pos si bil ity to ob tain a new value of the a (delta) an gle, as long as its value is known in the pre ced ing in ter val and its ac cel er at ing power is known in the new study in ter val. With the sup port of Mathlab soft ware, it is pos si ble to ac com plish end less num ber of runs with many dif fer ent val ues and sys tem pa ram e ters, as well as time open ing of cir cuit break ers. As a re sult, the pro gram plots a curve that shows the os cil la tion ten dency.

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