
 Certification represents the recognition of an individual’s competencies. This research study aims to examine the influence of quality motivation, social motivation, educational costs and educational experience on the interest of accounting students in the certification program. This research was conducted in 2022 based on a questionnaire to 150 undergraduate Accounting Students of Universitas Islam Indonsia, using the sampling technique of convenience sampling. Based on data processing using PLS, the research findings reveal that quality motivation, social motivation, educational costs and educational experience have positive significant influence on the students' interest in participating in the certification program. This study finding are expected to be recommendation for Undergraduate Accounting Study Program to increase student motivation in participating in competency certification programs.
 Keywords: Certification, quality motivation, social motivation, educational experince.
 Sertifikasi kompetensi merupakan pengakuan kompetensi yang dimiliki seseorang . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh motivasi kualitas, motivasi sosial, biaya pendidikan dan pengalaman pendidikan terhadap minat mahasiswa akuntansi mengikuti program sertifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan tahun 2022 dengan populasi mahasiswa Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Islam Indonesia. Pengambilan sample dilakukan secara convenience sampling sebanyak 150 responden sebagai sample penelitian. Berdasarkan pengolahan data menggunakan PLS diperoleh hasil motivasi kualitas, motivasi sosial, biaya pendidikan dan pengalaman pendidikan berpengaruh positif terhadap minat mahasiswa mengikuti program sertifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi program studi untuk meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa dalam mengikuti program sertifikasi kompetensi.
 Kata Kunci: Sertifikasi kompetensi,motivasi kualitas, motivasi sosial, pengalaman

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