
To compare three platinum compounds for their antitumor effects on cervical cancer after systemic and intra-arterial infusion. Adult female rabbits with squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix received infusions of 1.7 mg/kg cisplatin, 10 mg/kg carboplatin, or 6 mg/kg cis-diammine (glycolato)platinum (254-S) via the internal iliac artery or ear vein. Platinum concentrations in the tumor and tumor size were measured after internal iliac arterial or intravenous (i.v.) infusion with these platinum compounds. The platinum concentration in the tumor after intra-arterial infusion was significantly higher than that after i.v. infusion for cisplatin. However, the tumor concentrations of platinum for carboplatin and 254-S did not differ between the infusion methods. The platinum concentration 20 minutes after i.v. infusion was significantly higher for 254-S than for cisplatin or carboplatin. The platinum concentration 7 days after intra-arterial infusion was significantly higher with cisplatin than with carboplatin or 254-S. Tumor size 7 days after intra-arterial infusion was significantly smaller than that after i.v. infusion for cisplatin (1.85 +/- 0.54 versus 5.60 +/- 2.60 cm2; P < .05). Tumor size was significantly smaller with 254-S than with cisplatin or carboplatin using the i.v. infusion method (2.40 +/- 0.21 cm2 for 254-S, 5.60 +/- 2.60 cm2 for cisplatin, and 5.13 +/- 1.59 cm2 for carboplatin, P < .05. Intra-arterial infusion seems to be a suitable route of administration for cisplatin, whereas i.v. infusion appears to have an advantage for 254-S in the treatment of cervical cancer.

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