
The article analyzes the main stages of the development of the political subjectivity of Ukraine, its formation as an independent state entity. Geographically located within the historical Old Russian principalities, despite its deep historical roots, nevertheless, it belongs to the category of "young" European states, the independent development of which dates back a little more than 30 years. The collapse of the USSR created the conditions for the development of Ukraine as a sovereign state. Nevertheless, the opportunities provided for the effective development of Ukrainian statehood were not realized. The result of ill-conceived, chaotic transformations was the development of crisis processes in all spheres of life of Ukrainian society. A special stage in the development of modern statehood of Ukraine and the implementation of its anti-Russian foreign policy course was the events related to the coup d'etat in Kiev in February 2014. The protests that began in November 2013, related to the suspension of the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union, eventually led to mass riots and a coup d'etat in Kiev on February 22–23, 2014. After the coup d'etat, the activities of the Ukrainian leadership that came to power are aimed at forming the image of the enemy in the person of Russia, guilty of all the troubles and troubles, the failed "Ukrainian showcase of Europe". The most significant results of the transformation of Ukraine's statehood that followed the coup d'etat were the destruction of the entire spectrum of bilateral relations and ties with Russia, the construction of an enemy image in Russia, progressive Russophobia, an internal political civilizational split in society, discrimination of the population of Ukraine on linguistic and religious grounds, and other destructive political processes. The influence of negative factors on the situation in Ukraine is significantly aggravated by the presence of a complex of unresolved internal political problems that generate a split in Ukrainian society, instability and escalation of tension and conflict. The article defines the main directions of the current stage of development of the Ukrainian state. The main directions of further escalation of the Ukrainian crisis are identified. The main sources and reasons for the implementation of the anti — Russian trend in Ukraine's foreign policy, the implementation of the concept of Ukraine — "Anti-Russia"are revealed.

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