
A new architecture for antireflection (AR) has been developed to break the trade-off between the optical transmittance and the electrical conduction impeding the performance of transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films. The tapered porous nanostructure with a complex continuous refractive index effectively eliminates reflections from the interfaces between air and the TCO and TCO and the substrate. Compared to the conventional TCO film, the AR TCO film exhibited the same electrical conduction, with an average transmittance of 88.7% in the 400–800 nm range, a 10.3% increase. The new AR TCO film is expected to improve the performance of various optoelectronic devices.


  • A transparent conductive oxide (TCO) film, applied as a transparent electrode, is an essential component of various optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, display panels, and light-emitting devices [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

  • In this study we propose a new architecture for antireflection (AR) employing a tapered porous nanostructure with a complex continuous refractive index and demonstrate its potential for breaking this trade-off

  • Reflection occurs at the interfaces between two media having a different refractive index and this causes decreased transmittance and contrast, resulting in performance degradation of optoelectronic devices based on indium tin oxide (ITO) films

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A transparent conductive oxide (TCO) film, applied as a transparent electrode, is an essential component of various optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, display panels, and light-emitting devices [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Reflection occurs at the interfaces between two media having a different refractive index and this causes decreased transmittance and contrast, resulting in performance degradation of optoelectronic devices based on ITO films. ITO was coated on the surface of an N-ARS film via sputtering. Thereafter, no additional heat treatment was performed due to the low thermal properties of the PMMA film ( CCRI but all ITO films on PMMA in this study). ΩΩ//ssqq)) iiss mmoorree tthhaann 11..88 ttiimmeess tthhaatt ooff tthhee ffllaatt IITTOO fifillmm AAllssoo,, wwhheenn IITTOO wwaass ddeeppoossiitteedd ttwwiiccee oonn tthhee ssuurrffaaccee ooff tthheeNN--AARRSSffiillmm,,tthheesshheeeettrreessiissttaanncceeooffCCCCRRIIIITTOOffiillmmwwaass7755..22ΩΩ//ssqq,, wwhhiicchh iiss ccoommppaarraabbllee ttoo tthhee rreessiissttaannccee ooff tthhee flflaatt IITTOO fifillmm ooff 5500 nnmmtthhiicckknneessss

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