
AbstractThe paper focuses on the study of John Keats' poetic world shining with Antiquity and Englishness. Studyingthe ways of poetic embodying of these two concepts the paper assumes that Antiquity and Englishnessare considered to be literary aesthetic forms of expressing the national identity in poetic text. Based onthe cognitive poetics and literary studies the paper generates the idea of Keats' world perception and the meansof its verbalization in the text.RésuméThe paper focuses on the study of John Keats' poetic world with its Antiquity and Englishness.Studying the ways of poetic embodying of these two concepts the paper assumes that Antiquity andEnglishness are considered to be literary aesthetic forms of expressing the national identity in poetictext. The matter is that each poet makes his own unique poetic world, based on his personal experience,his personal background. John Keats creates antique imagery and in his own artistic way depictsreminiscences of ancient mythology and art. The paper analyses the ways of depicting this antiqueimagery and its functions in literary text. Based on the cognitive methods of literary and linguisticanalysis of poetic texts the paper generates the idea of author's perception, understanding andverbalization of the sense of national universe and human existence laws.The dissemination of antique images in Keats' poetry produces an effect of intertextuality.The aesthetic and pragmatic functions of images reflect the author's individual understanding of interactionbetween a human being and the national environment. This poetic intertextual power fosters theperceptionof cultural space of the motherland as an organic unity of "the domestic" and "the strange".Chronotopes and realia in Keats' poetry: 1) favor the embodiment of universal symbolicmeaning both in specifically ethnic, folklore and well-known, prominent ancient imagery forms, whichresults in semantic diversity; 2) create an effect of intertextuality; 3) perform evaluative pragmaticfunction. Keats uses the antique poetic palette for the creation of multilayer, versatile backgroundof panorama, which depicts the portrait of his own motherland underlying social, cultural, historicaland ideological implications of these images in the poetic texture. National identity is manifestedin Keats' poetic discourse by semantic superpositions and transformations of imagery poetic forms,which verbalize the concepts of Antiquity and Englishness.

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