
In dairy intensification, mastitis infections become prevalent and induce frequent Antimicrobial Use (AMU), sometimes inappropriately. This poses public health risks because of growing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), which calls for stewardship programs informed by Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAPs) about AMU and AMR to halt or reverse the worrying trend. Data was obtained in cross sectional survey conducted in four peri-urban wards around Nakuru city in Kenya. Randomly selected sample farmers (n=124) with free-grazing, semi-zero-grazing or zero-grazing dairy management, representing increasing dairy intensification levels provided data on the KAPs. Chi-square test statistics was fitted to establish associations between KAPs and dairy intensification levels. Among the sample farmers, six in ten (58.8 percent) had intensified dairy production, at least six in ten were marketing milk through informal outlets and were using antimicrobial drugs. Compliance with the withdrawal period was high and increased (p<0.05) with increasing intensification from free-grazing to zero-grazing. Within antibiotic withdrawal period, at least seven in ten farmers did not sell milk, fewer than four in ten consumed their milk at home and fewer than three in ten fed the milk to calves. Though independent of dairy intensification level (p>0.05), using antimicrobials for mastitis treatment increased while sourcing information on antimicrobial use from extension and veterinary officers decreased, with increasing intensification level. Farmers with some training on prudent antimicrobial use and with positive attitudes that milk from antimicrobial treated cows is unsafe, antimicrobial resistant pathogens and residues can be passed from milk to humans, mastitis can be treated without antimicrobial drugs, and antimicrobial residues can end up accumulating in the soils increased (p>0.05) with increasing dairy intensification levels. These results show that regarding AMU and AMR, farmers become more knowledgeable, with positive attitudes and good practices as they intensify their dairy management. The implication is that intensification of dairy management motivates farmers to gain more knowledge, acquire positive attitudes and apply good practices towards responsible prudent use of antimicrobials in livestock. Therefore, strengthening stewardship with targeted training and sensitization can foster prudent and responsible antimicrobial use.

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