
In recent years, anticancer peptides have emerged as a new viable option in cancer therapy, with the ability to overcome the considerable side effects and poor outcomes of standard cancer therapies. Accurate anticancer peptide identification can facilitate its finding and speed up its application in treating cancer. However, many recent approaches are based on machine learning, which not only restricts the representation ability of the models but also requires a complex hand-crafted feature extraction process. Here, we propose AntiMF, a deep learning model that utilizes multi-view mechanism based on different feature extraction models. Comparative results show that our model has a better performance than the state-of-the-art methods in the prediction of anticancer peptides. By using an ensemble learning framework to extract representation, AntiMF can capture the different dimensional information, which can make model representation more complete. Moreover, we visualize what AntiMF learns on one of its ensemble models to intuitively show the effectivity of our model, indicating that AntiMF has the great potential ability to be an effective and useful model to identify anticancer peptides accurately.

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