
The classical antiquity figurine of god having attributes of human and Capricorn has been republished and presented in this paper. It was found in Livno vicinity prior to World War II. Nowadays we know the figurine was found in Crkvina in village Suhača nearby Livno. Based on the ancient records it was here or close proximity, where two reliefs dedicated to Delmataean pantheon, i.e., Silvanus, Diana and nymphs had been found. Undertaken analyses clearly revealed it was crafted during Hellenistic period presenting unification of Silenus and Pan. Given the fact the figurine was an import and had been found at the location where cult site (sacred grove) or shrine dedicated to Delmataean pantheon existed, ichnographically wise Delmataen have only been able to perceive the figurine as their highest god Silvanus. That introduced the discussion about certain stone reliefs of Silvanus, Diana and nymphs in Suhača as well as in Delmataean territory being older than Roman Empire period as they previously used to be dated.

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