
Scientific reports of fungi associated with marine algae date back to the late nineteenth century[1, 2]. Since then, many species of fungi have been identified from marine macroalgae [3]. As many as one-third of the described species of marine higher fungi and many species of lower fungi are associated with marine algae [4, 5]. Similarly, aquatic fungi are often found in association with freshwater algae and microscopic cyanobacteria [6]. While most reports are primarily taxonomic, the ecological nature of the interactions between these associations is diverse. Saprophytic fungi are common, and parasitic fungal species can seriously affect vast populations of macroalgae raised in commercial sea-farming enterprises [7].KeywordsAntifungal ActivityJasmonic AcidMarine AlgaBotrytis CinereaAntifungal PropertyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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