
Today there are many antifungal drugs and their formulations like a tablet, capsule, cream, ointment, gel, soap etc are present in the market many of them are effective in treatment in minor or severe cases of fungal infection caused due to different fungal or yeast species. But there are many side effects or adverse effects that occur which makes them unpleasant. This challenges to drug developers to make drug or formulations which are effective in the treatment and have no or minimum side effects. This challenge makes our eyes focus on natural chemical constituents, which are known to be having fewer side effects with effective treatment of disease. Here we have taken two receptors from the RCSB PDB database which is a structural component of candida Albicans (1CZ1 and IAI9) proven to be the target of many antifungal drugs, both are responsible for different mode of action. The Anacyclus pyrethrum (L.) and Senna Obtusifolia (L.) have many chemical constituents having different pharmacological activity like anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, etc. from these two plant species some chemical constituents are selected depending on their structural characteristics. After selection ligand-receptor molecular docking (by using Autodock Vina) was carried out between them. For its verification of antifungal activity, it is then compared with selected Standard drugs which have already clinically proved as an antifungal drug. Sesamine from Anacyclus pyrethrum (L.) and Obtusifoline and Physcion from Senna Obtusifolia (L.) are potent lead compounds which on future structural modification gives us desired antifungal activity.

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