
Anticipatory activity of hand and eye has been examined during oculo-manual tracking of a constant velocity visual target with a hand cursor. Both target and cursor were presented briefly (< 480 ms), but repeatedly, at regular inter-stimulus intervals (ISI). In Expt 1, the build-up of hand and eye responses was examined for target velocities varying from 10-40 deg x s(-1) with an ISI of 2.4 s. The velocity 100 ms after target onset (i.e. prior to visual feedback) for both hand and eye (V100) progressively increased over the first four presentations but then attained a steady state (SS). SS V100 values for eye and hand increased in proportion to target velocity and were thus predictive of forthcoming movement. Hand velocity exceeded eye velocity but both exhibited similar anticipatory trajectories. In Expt 2, target velocity was constant (40 deg x s(-1)) but ISI varied from 0.48-3.74 s. Subjects made anticipatory eye movements for all ISIs but hand movements were often reactive at the longest ISI. If the target failed to appear as expected, subjects initiated predictive hand and eye responses with timing appropriate for the prevailing ISI. In Expt 3, predictive responses were compared with responses to randomised presentation. Peak hand velocity was greater in the randomised mode than in the predictive condition, whereas the converse was true for peak eye velocity. This difference is discussed in terms of the mechanisms of positional error correction in hand and eye. Results provide evidence of similar anticipatory mechanisms in hand and eye, using storage of velocity and timing to achieve rapid prediction of target motion.

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