Aim to study antibacterial activity of benzydamine hydrochloride, against clinic isolated of bacteria, located in hospitals in Russia and compare this data to results of similar trail of Spanish isolates. Materials and method for this study were used clinical isolates of bacteria, which are counted as typical agents of infections in otorhinolaryngology and gynecology. Enterococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp., isolated from patients in Russians hospitals; reference strains Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae, from ATCC collection; and also, Lactobacillus acidophilus strain, isolated from probiotic drug «Lactobacterin». Antibacterial activity of benzydamine hydrochloride was evaluated with serial dilution method in agar. For comparison of results we used data of Spanish study of benzydamine activity against clinical isolates and reference strains. The Spanish Study was completed in microbiological department of San-Pau hospital in Barcelona in 2001. Results . It was indicated that minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of benzydamine hydrochloride for clinical isolates of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, isolated from Russian and Spanish hospitals is about the same level: for E. coli it was 640 – 1280 mg/l, for K. pneumoniae – 512–1280 mg/l, for S. aureus – 256–1280 mg/l, for S. agalactiae – 320–1280 mg/l, for S. pyogenes – 256–640 mg/l, for E. faecalis – 512 mg/l, for E. faecium – 256 mg/l, for S. mitis – 640 mg/l, for S. epidermidis 320 – 1280 mg/l, for S. pneumoniae – 40 mg/l, for S. viridans – 40 mg/l. The same data was obtained by assessment of sensitivity to benzydamine hydrochloride reference-strains from ATCC collection: for E. coli MIC was 512 – 640 mg/l, for S. aureus – 512 – 640 mg/l, for S. agalactiae – 320 mg/l, for S. pneumoniae – 640 mg/l. Probiotic strain L. acidophilus was resistant to benzydamine hydrochloride activity with MIC = 20000 mg/l. Conclusion : It was indicated that antimicrobial activity of benzydamine hydrochloride against clinical strains, isolated from the patients of hospitals in Russia and Spain. Also, resistance of probiotic strain of lactobacteria was detected to this drug, which indicates the possibility of benzydamine hydrochloride application in clinical practice in otorhinolaryngology and gynecology without risk of negative influence on normal lactobacterial flora.
Aim to study antibacterial activity of benzydamine hydrochloride, against clinic isolated of bacteria, located in hospitals in Russia and compare this data to results of similar trail of Spanish isolates
Спот-метод Минимальные подавляющие концентрации (МПК) бензидамина гидрохлорида для клинических и референс-штаммов бактерий определяли также спот-методом: 0,1 мл суспензии двухсуточной бактериальной культуры в концентрации 105 КОЕ/мл наносили на поверхность плотной питательной среды в чашке Петри, растирали стерильным ватным тампоном; на свежезасеянный бактериальный газон наносили по 10 мкл бензидамина гидрохлорида в разных разведениях
Photograph of Petri dishes with zones of growth inhibition of the reference E. coli ATCC 25922 strain and the clinical isolate S. aureus 839 when applied to a bacterial lawn droplets (10 μl) of dilutions of the drug benzydamine hydrochloride at concentrations of 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 mg/l фторхинолонам и аминогликозидам, несли эпидемически значимые гены blaTEM-1 и blaCTX-M-15 [16, 17]; изолят K. pneumoniae B1470k/16 был устойчив к бета-лактамам, фторхинолонам, аминогликозидам и нитрофуранам, нес эпидемически значимые гены blaCTX-M-15, blaNDM-1, и интегрон класса 1 с генными кассетами [18]; изолят S. aureus 244/228 отнесен к категории MRSA, нес Таблица 3
Aim to study antibacterial activity of benzydamine hydrochloride, against clinic isolated of bacteria, located in hospitals in Russia and compare this data to results of similar trail of Spanish isolates. Референс-штаммы Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923 и Streptococcus agalactiae ATCC12386 получены из Американской коллекции типовых культур ATCC. Спот-метод МПК бензидамина гидрохлорида для клинических и референс-штаммов бактерий определяли также спот-методом: 0,1 мл суспензии двухсуточной бактериальной культуры в концентрации 105 КОЕ/мл наносили на поверхность плотной питательной среды в чашке Петри, растирали стерильным ватным тампоном; на свежезасеянный бактериальный газон наносили по 10 мкл бензидамина гидрохлорида в разных разведениях.
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