
Momordica dioicaRoxb. (Cucurbitaceae) is commonly known as spiny gourd and traditionally used as astringent, febrifuge, antiseptic, anthelmintic, spermicidal and also used in bleeding piles, urinary infection and as a sedative. Studies indicate that it possesses antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-lipid peroxidative, hypoglycaemic and analgesic properties. In this study, the anticancer efficacy of Cucurbitacins obtained from Momordica dioicaRoxb. (MDR) has been evaluated. Based on previous in-vitro studies performed, in-vivo studies were carried out on mice model. Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cells were inoculated into swiss albino mice intraperitoneally to form a liquid tumor and then treated with oral administration of 50, 100, 200mg/kg. Evaluation parameters involved the mean survival time (MST), body weight, hematological parameters, Percentage increase in life span were measured in normal control, EAC control and Cucurbitacintreated groups (n = 6). Treatment with Cucurbitacins enriched fraction has shown anti-tumor effects against liquid tumor as indicated by a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in body weight. Interestingly, the enriched bio fraction restored the altered hematological parameters of tumor-bearing animals and significantly increased their life span. These data indicate the cytotoxic potential effects of MDRon tumor cells opening new opportunities for further studies on the anti-cancer effects of this agent.

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