
The proposed mechanism of formation of inert mass, electric charge and gravitational mass through cavitational topological ruptures of complex space. Stabilization of gaps is carried out through the quantum generation of exchange inertial radiation. On the basis of the relations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, such radiation was separated into two components: zeron radiation from the zero energy level of the quantum oscillator and heaton radiation from higher levels populated as a result of thermal excitations. Different signs of energy and temperature in two subspaces of the complex space form an antisymmetric excimer system of exchange inertial radiation generation, while the decomposition of these systems into monomers leads to the formation of stable and quasi-stable forms of matter. The parameters of such forms in elementary and cosmic systems are calculated. Quantitative relations in gravitational systems, obtained by the universal use of the constant fine structure and the extended analogue of the Planck constant, are consistent with actual data, in particular, regarding the jet expansion of the Metagalaxy, non-stationary processes in the interior and in the shells of celestial bodies, the mechanisms of thermoregulation of the Earth’s climate and the generation of the geomagnetic field. Turbulent energy cascades in tribocontact and collider systems, manifested in the emission spectra of excimer structures in these systems, are analyzed. The components of the inert mass of leptons, mesons, and hadrons were calculated, and the stabilization of the group velocity of heaton radiation quanta in the basis of giant nuclear resonances was found. The processes of tunnel breakdown of the energy barrier of excimers, which lead to the formation of energy vortices and jets in natural systems of different levels of organization, are analyzed. The negative consequences of mixing excimer structures of the inertial field with monomeric structures are shown on the example of well-known disasters in nuclear power and hydropower. It is shown that the widely reproduced Lorentz-invariant forms of the fields and the limitations of Einstein’s theories of relativity on the rate of propagation of interactions are adequate only in isolated monomeric systems where primitive conservation laws apply. The results obtained in the work are completely consistent with the fundamental theological concept of Creatio ex nihilo.

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