
The concept of Anti Dumping measures serves a host of implications and is important weapon in the arena of both national and international trade. Present trade policies have picked up the most liberal approaches. Most of the countries have imbibed and implemented various provisions on anti dumping. India, also being a member of WTO has drafted its laws and policies keeping in mind the provisions stated in the WTO/GATT Agreement. Thereby to understand the Indian perspectives, international aspect cannot be ignored and needs an immediate reference. Although, few of the statutes in India make arrangements for antidumping provisions as put forward in the present paper. Anti dumping basically, deals with the price behavior of the exporters whereby, injury is the main ingredient required to be proved. Dumping is per se not unlawful as prices may vary from time to time, in accordance with the supply-demand market fluctuations. Dumping as a form of price discrimination is a casual practice in the domain of international trade. Whenever dumping emerges as a threat to domestic market of a country, its Designated Authority has the power under WTO Agreement to initiate necessary action against such exporters.

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