
With the entry into force of Law No. 12,846/2013, also known as the Anti-Corruption Law, which among its main provisions seeks to innovate the national legal system by regulating the administrative and civil liability of legal entities for acts against public administration, the importance of this legislation stands out in the pursuit of a new interpretative and punitive vision with the clear objective of reducing the occurrence of corrupt practices. However, it is acknowledged that completely eliminating such ignoble and abhorrent practices from the Brazilian reality is entirely impossible. In light of the recently enacted law, Law No. 12,846/13 now requires public and private companies to adapt to the proposed innovations. The main consequence of the "Anti-Corruption Law" is the mandatory implementation of prevention mechanisms and strategic planning by companies, in order to monitor their relationship with the Public Administration and avoid the application of severe penalties. On the other hand, the mechanisms introduced in the Anti-Corruption Law aim to control business practices and consolidate the integrity of relationships between companies, thereby fostering a new level of civic culture and ethics in the business environment, which will ultimately benefit society as a whole.

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