Taking into account the literature, further establishment of anthropometric parameters according to individual sports, followed by building a model to solve problems of selection and sports orientation is relevant and necessary in modern sports Creating the model based on anthropometric parameters will allow us to coduct sports selection among future athletes in order to achieve excellent results in professional sports. The objective of the study was to fi nd out the features of the length of the lower extremities depending on the sport type, followed by building a model for predicting their length.А comparative analysis of anthropometric parameters of the lengths of the lower extremities depending on the sport on 129 students of higher education, aged 16 to 18 years, who were divided into main – 89 (69%) and control group – 40 (31%), followed by model building predicting their length of the lower extremities. The length of the right lower extremities of the studied students of the main group is: volleyball – 91.72±3.0 cm; football – 90.02±3.0 cm; basketball – 89.42±3.0 cm; wrestling – 89.80±3.0 cm; tennis – 89.60±3.0 cm; wrestling – 89.80±3.0 cm; fi tness – 86.55±2.0 cm. Students in the control group, the average length of the right lower extremities is – 85.90±2.0 cm. The length of the left lower extremities of the studied students of the main group is: volleyball – 91.38±3.0 cm; football – 89.72±3.0 cm; basketball – 89.57±3.0 cm; wrestling – 89.40±3.0 cm; tennis – 89.20±3.0 cm; fi tness – 86.66±2.0 cm. Students in the control group, the average length of the left lower extremities is – 85.72±2.0 cm.Anthropometric study (length of the lower extremities) was performed according to the method of VV Bunak in the modifi cation of PP Shaparenko. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using a licensed program RStudio.Comparing the length of the right lower extremity depending on the sport found a signifi cant diff erence in the length of the right lower extremity in the pairs «football»-»fi tness», «volleyball»-»fi tness», «football»-»control group», «volleyball»-»control group», comparing the length of the left lower limb in pairs «volleyball»- »fi tness», «football»-»control group», «volleyball»-»control group». No signifi cant diff erence in the average length of the right and left upper extremities of both study groups was found (main group – 89.51±3.0 cm – right, 89.32±3.0 cm – left; control – 85.90±3.0 cm – right, 85.72±3.0 cm – left).It was found that a signifi cant factor for the length of both lower extremities is growth (based on regression analysis). Based on this, a model for predicting the length of the lower extremities is derived: L = 0.422 x h, (where L is the length of the upper extremity, h is the height).
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