Sweet crabapple [Malus coronaria (L.) Mill.], native to China, isgrown widely forits bea utifulf lowers and as a street or garden tree inKorea. Anthracnose was observed on fruit of the sweet crabapplecollected at the campus of Gyeongsang National University at Jinju,Korea from July to August in 2010 (Fig. 1A and B). The causalfungus was isolated from diseased fruit, and a representative isolatewas deposited in the Korean Agricultural Culture Collection(KACC 45482), National Academy of Agricultural Science, Suwon,Korea An. ht racnose isk nown fromm anyr osaceous hosts wordwl di e,including M. pumila and Pyrus serotina (Farr and Rossman, 2010).Here, the disease occurred relatively frequently on the fruit ofsweet crabapple. The necrotic regions seen on the fruit werereddish brown and darkened as the spots expanded. Later, thelesions became dark brown and bristled acervuli were observed onthe dark brown areas (Fig. 1C). The bristles measured 80 −120 µmand were septate (Fig. 1D). The fungus grown on potato dextroseagar (PDA) produced whitish mycelia initially, which becamedark gray, and later salmon-colored conidial masses formed underartificial light (Fig. 1E). The optimal temperature for mycelia growthwas 25
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