
We investigate the two-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory on the discretized curved space (polyhedra). We first revisit that the number of supersymmetries of the continuum $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ SYM theory on any curved manifold can be enhanced at least to two by introducing an appropriate $U(1)$ gauge background associated with the $U(1)_{V}$ symmetry. We then show that the generalized Sugino model on the discretized curved space, which was proposed in our previous work, can be identified to the discretization of this SUSY enhanced theory, where one of the supersymmetries remains and the other is broken but restored in the continuum limit. We find that the $U(1)_{A}$ anomaly exists also in the discretized theory as a result of an unbalance of the number of the fermions proportional to the Euler characteristics of the polyhedra. We then study this model by using the numerical Monte-Carlo simulation. We propose a novel phase-quench method called "anomaly-phase-quenched approximation" with respect to the $U(1)_A$ anomaly. We numerically show that the Ward-Takahashi (WT) identity associated with the remaining supersymmetry is realized by adopting this approximation. We figure out the relation between the sign (phase) problem and pseudo-zero-modes of the Dirac operator. We also show that the divergent behavior of the scalar one-point function gets milder as the genus of the background increases. These are the first numerical observations for the supersymmetric lattice model on the curved space with generic topologies.

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