
The field theoretic renormalization group (RG) is applied to the problem of a passive scalar advected by the Gaussian self-similar velocity field with finite correlation time and in the presence of an imposed linear mean gradient. The energy spectrum in the inertial range has the form E(k) proportional to (1-epsilon), and the correlation time at the wave number k scales as k(-2+eta). It is shown that, depending on the values of the exponents epsilon and eta, the model in the inertial-convective range exhibits various types of scaling regimes associated with the infrared stable fixed points of the RG equations: diffusive-type regimes for which the advection can be treated within ordinary perturbation theory, and three nontrivial convection-type regimes for which the correlation functions exhibit anomalous scaling behavior. The explicit asymptotic expressions for the structure functions and other correlation functions are obtained; the anomalous exponents, determined by the scaling dimensions of the scalar gradients, are calculated to the first order in epsilon and eta in any space dimension. For the first nontrivial regime the anomalous exponents are the same as in the rapid-change version of the model; for the second they are the same as in the model with time-independent (frozen) velocity field. In these regimes, the anomalous exponents are universal in the sense that they depend only on the exponents entering into the velocity correlator. For the last regime the exponents are nonuniversal (they can depend also on the amplitudes); however, the nonuniversality can reveal itself only in the second order of the RG expansion. A brief discussion of the passive advection in the non-Gaussian velocity field governed by the nonlinear stochastic Navier-Stokes equation is also given.

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