
Abstract The width of the process π 0 → γγ is calculated within effective QCD at finite temperature. We use two different effective models which describe chiral symmetry breaking and its restoration at finite temperature in SU(2) ƒ : (i) an effective lagrangian with a nonlocal separable interaction kernel, (ii) A- and B-scaledNJL lagrangians which implement the scale anomaly of QCD. We calculate the temperature dependences of the quark and pion masses as well as of the pion-park-antiquark coupling strength below and above the double quark mass threshold. At zero temperature we obtain a fairly good agreement with the experimental value for the decay width. The temperature dependence of the decay width is related to that of the pion mass. Γ π 0 → γγ is enhanced in the vicinity of the Mott temperature ( M π = 2 m q ) for the nonlocal as well as for the A-scaled model and suppressed for the B-scaled model. We compare our results with the SU(2) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model which is contained as a limiting case in our approach.

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