
The anomalous dispersion of noninteracting particles randomly walking in a network is considered. It is shown that the existence of large dangling branches attached to a backbone induces a 1/f-like behavior in the current autocorrelation function at low frequencies. The waiting times associated with dangling loops scale like t/sup -3/2/. The size of the dangling branches provides a lower cutoff to the power law behavior. When the side branches are infinite, self-similar structures, the power law behavior persists up to a zero frequency. The currents the authors consider are created either by a bias on the random walk or by a current source. They consider both the total current, which is often referred to in the literature, and the current measured at endpoints of a specimen attached to a (model) battery. The differences and similarities between the two corresponding correlations are analyzed. In particular, they find that in the second case 1/f noise exists only for large bias. When a statistical distribution of dangling branches is considered, they find that the largest power of frequency in the spectrum is 1.13. Much of their results are true when the dangling branches are replaced by traps having waiting time distributions that equalmore » those of the branches. The waiting time associated with a power law distribution of dangling loops (m/sup -x/: m is the length of the loop) scales like t/sup -1-(x/2)/. However, it is shown that geometry alone can be responsible for the appearance of power laws in the spectra. Random geometry can be regarded as a model (or source) of random hopping times.« less

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